Chilling findings from Pew Research: Experts Have No Idea If Robots Will Steal Your Job


Walter Frick over at Harvard Business Review sheds light on the non-news from over 2,551 experts surveyed for a Pew Research study on the impact of non-human factors in the workplace and the employment stress placed on their sentient counterparts.






Of note is the reflection on the failure of the education system to keep pace with Moore’s Law, which states that computing power roughly doubles every 18 months and although that is of little surprise, it is of primary concern to our nation’s growing wealth gap and climbing unemployment numbers.

“The education system is not well positioned to transform itself to help shape graduates who can ‘race against the machines.’ Not in time, and not at scale. Autodidacts will do well, as they always have done, but the broad masses of people are being prepared for the wrong economy.”  -Bryan Alexander

Although certain functions may be headed the way of the buffalo, we should heed the caveats associated with apocryphal techno prophecy –

“Conventional wisdom has long held that, while technology may displace workers in the short-term, it does not reduce employment over the long-term.”


Read the whole shebang over at Harvard Business Review